Stay fit, stay healthy

Transform your body now !

Transform your body in just 90 days with our personalized online coaching program. Get exclusive access to workout videos, nutritional advice, and a supportive community to keep you motivated. Join our 90-day challenge today!

Bonus: I’m also doing the challenge with you to encourage and hopefully motivate you even more!

Start your physical transformation today

In just 90 days

Get a stronger, more muscular, and more confident body with our personalized online coaching program.


after: 75Kg


Challenge presentation

We start on April 1st, 2023.

Our online coaching program is designed to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss goals in just 90 days. We will provide you with a personalized workout plan, instructional videos, nutritional tips, and a private support group to help you stay on track.

The benefits of the program

I transform you.

Become stronger, happier, and in better shape. Join us!

I am confident that my personal experience and previous coaching can help you achieve your fitness and physical transformation goals. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, I am here to assist you. After this amazing 90-day challenge, I want my members to feel like they are a better version of themselves after each workout.

The final result will depend on you and you alone. If you stick to your workouts, macros, and avoid excessive cheat meals, hydrate yourself adequately, get enough healthy sleep, and reduce your stress levels, then you have put all the odds in your favor for an optimal result at the end of the challenge !

During the 90 days...

You will have access to various tools during these 90 days. They are designed to optimize your workouts and our interactions. They will allow you to track your progress more easily and centralize all this information in one place, so you don’t get distracted. As a result, you can stay focused on your goals and save time

Tools of the program


The best coaching app

I want the best for my members, that’s why I work with this coaching platform to deliver high-quality training programs to you.

With Truecoach, you will have access to:


Quick and easy access

Accessing your workouts, tracking your progress, and communicating with me will be quick and easy through the Truecoach platform. Each member will have their own account and will not have access to the workouts of other individuals.


Overview of your performances

You will have the ability to input your workout results, allowing both you and me to have an overview of your progress. This is also very useful for defining future goals.



A messaging system is set up for communication as well. Besides being part of a private Telegram group, if you have a question that you want to keep private, you can also write to me through the application. Each member has their own account and does not have access to other people’s messages.


Track your food, hit your macros.

MyFitnessPal is, in my opinion, the best application for tracking and monitoring your food intake. It allows you to keep track of your calorie intake and macronutrient (protein, fat, carbohydrates) consumption.


Private group for our daily exchanges.

With Telegram, I will be able to send you daily motivation. I know that I will have a motivated group and I want to enhance this motivation through voice messages, photos, videos, etc. I want the energy to remain at its maximum throughout our journey. Be prepared for daily content.


Noter et surveiller son évolution

Tracking and monitoring your progress is an essential part of the program. By keeping track of your workouts, nutrition, and measurements, you can see how you’re improving over time and adjust your approach if needed. You will have access to Truecoach and MyFitnessPal to track your workouts and nutrition, and you can also use tools like a measuring tape or scale to monitor changes in your body composition. We will also have regular check-ins and progress updates to keep you accountable and motivated.


We can also treat ourselves.

Attention, I do not provide a complete and precise meal plan, as I am not a dietician. I advise and share my experience and some nice and protein-rich recipes. For a complete and precise meal plan, please ask me privately, and I will refer you to someone trustworthy. I show you how I prepare my meal plan, and you adapt it to your needs. I also provide a calorie calculator and show you how to use MyFitnessPal.


No pain, No gain! Let's get our summer body.



299 $ 80/mois
  • Acces Truecoach
  • Program updated every week
  • Nutrition advice
  • 30-minute call every week
  • Private Telegram group

Exclusive offer at 80$ per month

instead of 299$.

Exclusive offer for only 5 people 5 people

This offer is only available for the first 5 people who sign up. The coaching will be closed right after for the next 3 months. The training programs of 4 – 6 – 12 weeks will be available during the month of April if you missed the personalized coaching.

Do you have any questions?
Write me.

If you have any questions that I have not answered above, send me a message before the challenge starts and before it’s too late.

